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Events Architecture

In this document, you'll learn how the events system is implemented in Medusa.


The events system in Medusa is built on a publish/subscribe architecture. The Medusa core publishes events when certain actions take place.

Those events can be subscribed to using subscribers. When you subscribe to an event, you can perform a task asynchronusly every time the event is triggered.

You can learn more about subscribers and their use cases in the Subscribers documentation.

Publishing and Subscribing

The EventBusService is responsible for publishing and processing events.

The current implementation of the EventBusService is powered by Redis. However, an upcoming version of Medusa introduces an event bus module. This will allow you to use any publishing and subscribing provider. That will not change the general purpose and flow of the EventBusService.

The EventBusService exposes two methods in its public API for event processing; emit and subscribe.


The emit method accepts as a first parameter the event name. It adds it to a Bull queue (powered by Redis) as a job, and processes it asynchronously.

The second parameter contains any data that should be emitted with the event. Subscribers that handle the event will receive that data as a method parameter.

The third parameter is an options object. It accepts options related to the number of retries if a subscriber handling the event fails, the delay time, and more. The options are explained in a later section

The emit method has the following signature:

export default class EventBusService {
// ...
async emit<T>(
eventName: string,
data: T,
options: Record<string, unknown> &
EmitOptions = { attempts: 1 }
): Promise<StagedJob | void>

Here's an example of how you can emit an event using the EventBusService:

{ id: "prod_..." },
{ attempts: 2 }

The EventBusService emits the event product.created by passing the event name as a first argument. An object is passed as a second argument which is the data passed to the event handler methods in subscribers. This object contains the ID of the product.

Options are passed in the third argument. The attempt property specifies how many times the subscriber should be retried if it fails (by default it's one).


The subscribe method will attach a handler method to the specified event, which is run when the event is triggered. It is usually used insde a subscriber class.

The subscribe method accepts the event name as the first parameter. This is the event that the handler method will attach to.

The second parameter is the handler method that will be triggered when the event is emitted.

The third parameter is an optional context parameter. It allows you to configure the ID of the handler method.

The subscribe method has the following signature:

export default class EventBusService {
// ...
event: string | symbol,
subscriber: Subscriber,
context?: SubscriberContext
): this

Here's an example of how you can subscribe to an event using the EventBusService:

import { EventBusService } from "@medusajs/medusa"

class MySubscriber {
eventBusService: EventBusService,
}) {
eventBusService.subscribe("product.created", (data) => {
// TODO handle event

In the constructor of a subscriber, you use the EventBusService to subscribe to the event product.created. In the handler method, you can perform a task every time the product is created. Notice how the handler method accepts the data as a parameter as explain in the previous section.

You can learn more about how to create a subscriber in this documentation

Processing Events

In the EventBusService service, the worker_ method defines the logic run for each event emitted into the queue.

By default, all handler methods to that event are retrieved and, for each of the them, the stored data provided as a second parameter in emit is passed as an argument.

Retrying Handlers

A handler method might fail to process an event. This could happen because it communicates with a third party service currently down or due to an error in its logic.

In some cases, you might want to retry those failed handlers.

As briefly explained earlier, you can pass options when emitting an event as a third argument that are used to configure how the queue worker processes your job. If you pass attempts upon emitting the event, the processing of a handler method is retried when it fails.

Aside from attempts, there are other options to futher configure the retry mechanism:

type EmitOptions = {
delay?: number
attempts: number
backoff?: {
type: "fixed" | "exponential"
delay: number

Here's what each of these options mean:

  • delay: delay the triggering of the handler methods by a number of milliseconds.
  • attempts: the number of times a subscriber handler should be retried when it fails.
  • backoff: the wait time between each retry

Note on Subscriber IDs

If you have more than one handler methods attached to a single event, or if you have multiple backend instances running, you must pass a subscriber ID as a third parameter to the subscribe method. This allows the EventBusService to differentiate between handler methods when retrying a failed one.

If a subscriber ID is not passed on subscription, all handler methods are run again. This can lead to data inconsistencies or general unwanted behavior in your system.

On the other hand, if you want all handler methods to run again when one of them fails, you can omit passing a subscriber ID.

An example of passing a subscriber ID:

import { EventBusService } from "@medusajs/medusa"

class MySubscriber {
eventBusService: EventBusService,
}) {
(data) => {
// TODO handle event

You can learn more about subscriber IDs in Bull's documentation.

Database transactions

Transactions in Medusa ensure atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability, or ACID, guarantees for operations in the Medusa core.

In many cases, services typically update resources in the database and emit an event within a transactional operation. To ensure that these events don't cause data inconsistencies (for example, a plugin subscribes to an event to contact a third-party service, but the transaction fails) the concept of a staged job is introduced.

Instead of events being processed immediately, they're stored in the database as a staged job until they're ready. In other words, until the transaction has succeeded.

This rather complex logic is abstracted away from the consumers of the EventBusService, but here's an example of the flow when an API request is made:

  1. API request starts.
  2. Transaction is initiated.
  3. Service layer performs some logic.
  4. Events are emitted and stored in the database for eventual processing.
  5. Transaction is committed.
  6. API request ends.
  7. Events in the database become visible.

To pull staged jobs from the database, a separate enqueuer polls the database every three seconds to discover new visible jobs. These jobs are then added to the queue and processed as described in the Processing section earlier.

This pattern is heavily inspired by the Transactionally-staged Job Drain described in this blog post.

See Also