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Medusa React

Medusa React is a React library that provides a set of utilities and hooks for interacting seamlessly with the Medusa backend. It can be used to build custom React-based storefronts or admin dashboards.

Alternatively, you can use Medusa’s JS Client or the REST APIs.


In the directory holding your React-based storefront or admin dashboard, run the following command to install Medusa React:

npm install medusa-react @tanstack/react-query @medusajs/medusa

In addition to the medusa-react library, you need the following libraries:

1. @tanstack/react-query: medusa-react is built on top of Tanstack Query. You’ll learn later in this reference how you can use Mutations and Queries with Medusa React.

Versions of Medusa React prior to v4.0.2 used React Query v3 instead of Tanstack Query. Check out [this upgrade guide] to learn how you can update your storefront.

2. @medusajs/medusa: The core Medusa package. This is used to import types used by Medusa React and while developing with it.

Part of the Medusa roadmap is to move the types into a separate package, removing the need to install the core Medusa package in your storefront or admin dashboard. You can check other items on our roadmap in GitHub Discussions.


To use the hooks exposed by Medusa React, you need to include the MedusaProvider somewhere up in your component tree.

The MedusaProvider requires two props:

  1. baseUrl: The URL to your Medusa backend
  2. queryClientProviderProps: An object used to set the Tanstack Query client. The object requires a client property, which should be an instance of QueryClient.

For example:

import { MedusaProvider } from "medusa-react"
import Storefront from "./Storefront"
import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query"
import React from "react"

const queryClient = new QueryClient()

const App = () => {
return (
queryClientProviderProps={{ client: queryClient }}
<Storefront />

export default App

In the example above, you wrap the Storefront component with the MedusaProvider. Storefront is assumed to be the top-level component of your storefront, but you can place MedusaProvider at any point in your tree. Only children of MedusaProvider can benefit from its hooks.

The Storefront component and its child components can now use hooks exposed by Medusa React.

MedusaProvider Optional Props

You can also pass the following props to Medusa Provider:

apiKey''Optional API key used for authenticating admin requests.
publishableApiKey''Optional publishable API key used for storefront requests.


To fetch data from the Medusa backend (in other words, perform GET requests), you can use Queries. Query hooks simply wrap around Tanstack Query's useQuery hook to fetch data from your medusa backend.

For example, to fetch products from your Medusa backend:

import { Product } from "@medusajs/medusa"
import { useProducts } from "medusa-react"

const Products = () => {
const { products, isLoading } = useProducts()

return isLoading ? (
) : (
{products?.map((product: Product) => (
<li key={}>

export default Products

In the example above, you import the useProducts hook from medusa-react. This hook, and every other query hook exposed by medusa-react, returns everything that useQuery returns in Tanstack Query, except for the data field.

Instead of the data field, the response data is flattened and is part of the hooks’ returned fields. In the example above, the List Products endpoint returns a products array. So, useProducts returns a products array along with other fields returned by useQuery.

If the request accepts any parameters, they can be passed as parameters to the mutate request. For example:

const { products } = useProducts({
expand: "variants",

You can learn more about using queries in Tanstack Query’s documentation.


To create, update, or delete data on the Medusa backend (in other words, perform POST, PUT, and DELETE requests), you can use Mutations. Mutation hooks wrap around Tanstack Query's useMutation to mutate data on your medusa backend.

For example, to create a cart:

import { useCreateCart } from "medusa-react"

const Cart = () => {
const createCart = useCreateCart()
const handleClick = () => {
createCart.mutate({}) // create an empty cart

return (
{createCart.isLoading && <div>Loading...</div>}
{! && (
<button onClick={handleClick}>
Create cart
{ && (
<div>Cart ID: {}</div>

export default Cart

In the example above, you import the useCreateCart hook from medusa-react. This hook, and every other mutation hook exposed by medusa-react, returns everything that useMutation returns. You can also pass the same options you would pass to useMutation to mutation hooks exposed by medusa-react.

To create a cart, you call the createCart.mutate method. In the underlying logic, this method sends a POST request to the Medusa backend to create a cart.

If the request accepts any parameters, they can be passed as parameters to the mutate request. For example:


Once the cart is created, you can access it in the data field returned by the mutation hook. This field includes all data returned in the response.

The example above does not store in the browser the ID of the cart created, so the cart’s data will be gone on release. You would have to do that using the browser’s Local Storage.

Instead of using mutate, you can use mutateAsync to receive a Promise that resolves on success or throws on error.

Learn more about how you can use mutations in Tanstack Query’s documentation.


medusa-react exposes a set of utility functions that are mainly used to retrieve or format the price of a product variant.


This utility function can be used to compute the price of a variant for a region and retrieve the formatted amount. For example, $20.00.

It accepts an object with the following properties:

  • variant: A variant object retrieved from the Medusa backend. It should mainly include the prices array in the object.
  • region: A region object retrieved from the Medusa backend.
  • includeTaxes: (optional) A boolean value that indicates whether the computed price should include taxes or not. The default value is true.
  • minimumFractionDigits: (optional) The minimum number of fraction digits to use when formatting the price. This is passed as an option to Intl.NumberFormat in the underlying layer. You can learn more about this method’s options in MDN’s documentation.
  • maximumFractionDigits: (optional) The maximum number of fraction digits to use when formatting the price. This is passed as an option to Intl.NumberFormat which is used within the utility method. You can learn more about this method’s options in MDN’s documentation.
  • locale: (optional) A string with a BCP 47 language tag. The default value is en-US. This is passed as a first parameter to Intl.NumberFormat which is used within the utility method. You can learn more about this method’s parameters in MDN’s documentation.

For example:

import { formatVariantPrice } from "medusa-react"
import { Product, ProductVariant } from "@medusajs/medusa"

const Products = () => {
// ...
return (
{products?.map((product: Product) => (
<li key={}>
{ ProductVariant) => (
<li key={}>
region, // should be retrieved earlier


This utility function can be used to compute the price of a variant for a region and retrieve the amount without formatting. For example, 20. This method is used by formatVariantPrice before applying the price formatting.

It accepts an object with the following properties:

  • variant: A variant object retrieved from the Medusa backend. It should mainly include the prices array in the variant.
  • region: A region object retrieved from the Medusa backend.
  • includeTaxes: (optional) A boolean value that indicates whether the computed price should include taxes or not. The default value is true.

For example:

import { computeVariantPrice } from "medusa-react"
import { Product, ProductVariant } from "@medusajs/medusa"

const Products = () => {
// ...
return (
{products?.map((product: Product) => (
<li key={}>
{ ProductVariant) => (
<li key={}>
region, // should be retrieved earlier


This utility function can be used to compute the price of an amount for a region and retrieve the formatted amount. For example, $20.00.

The main difference between this utility function and formatVariantPrice is that you don’t need to pass a complete variant object. This can be used with any number.

It accepts an object with the following properties:

  • amount: A number that should be used for computation.
  • region: A region object retrieved from the Medusa backend.
  • includeTaxes: (optional) A boolean value that indicates whether the computed price should include taxes or not. The default value is true.
  • minimumFractionDigits: (optional) The minimum number of fraction digits to use when formatting the price. This is passed as an option to Intl.NumberFormat in the underlying layer. You can learn more about this method’s options in MDN’s documentation.
  • maximumFractionDigits: (optional) The maximum number of fraction digits to use when formatting the price. This is passed as an option to Intl.NumberFormat which is used within the utility method. You can learn more about this method’s options in MDN’s documentation.
  • locale: (optional) A string with a BCP 47 language tag. The default value is en-US. This is passed as a first parameter to Intl.NumberFormat which is used within the utility method. You can learn more about this method’s parameters in MDN’s documentation.

For example:

import { formatAmount } from "medusa-react"

const MyComponent = () => {
// ...
return (
region, // should be retrieved earlier


This utility function can be used to compute the price of an amount for a region and retrieve the amount without formatting. For example, 20. This method is used by formatAmount before applying the price formatting.

The main difference between this utility function and computeVariantPrice is that you don’t need to pass a complete variant object. This can be used with any number.

It accepts an object with the following properties:

  • amount: A number that should be used for computation.
  • region: A region object retrieved from the Medusa backend.
  • includeTaxes: (optional) A boolean value that indicates whether the computed price should include taxes or not. The default value is true.

For example:

import { computeAmount } from "medusa-react"

const MyComponent = () => {
// ...
return (
region, // should be retrieved earlier

Content Providers

This is an experimental feature.

To facilitate building custom storefronts, medusa-react also exposes a CartProvider and a SessionCartProvider.


CartProvider makes use of some of the hooks already exposed by medusa-react to perform cart operations on the Medusa backend. You can use it to create a cart, start the checkout flow, authorize payment sessions, and so on.

It also manages one single global piece of state which represents a cart, exactly like the one created on your medusa backend.

To use CartProvider, you first have to insert it somewhere in your component tree below the MedusaProvider.

For example:

import { CartProvider, MedusaProvider } from "medusa-react"
import Storefront from "./Storefront"
import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query"
import React from "react"

const queryClient = new QueryClient()

function App() {
return (
queryClientProviderProps={{ client: queryClient }}
<Storefront />

export default App

Then, in any of the child components, you can use the useCart hook exposed by medusa-react to get access to cart operations and data.

The useCart hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • cart: A state variable holding the cart object. This is set if the createCart mutation is executed or if setCart is manually used.
  • setCart: A state function used to set the cart object.
  • totalItems: The number of items in the cart.
  • createCart: A mutation used to create a cart.
  • updateCart: A mutation used to update a cart’s details such as region, customer email, shipping address, and more.
  • startCheckout: A mutation used to initialize payment sessions during checkout.
  • pay: A mutation used to select a payment provider during checkout.
  • addShippingMethod: A mutation used to add a shipping method to the cart during checkout.
  • completeCheckout: A mutation used to complete the cart and place the order.

For example:

import * as React from "react"

import { useCart } from "medusa-react"

const Cart = () => {
const handleClick = () => {
createCart.mutate({}) // create an empty cart

const { cart, createCart } = useCart()

return (
{createCart.isLoading && <div>Loading...</div>}
{!cart?.id && (
<button onClick={handleClick}>
Create cart
{cart?.id && (
<div>Cart ID: {}</div>

export default Cart

In the example above, you retrieve the createCart mutation and cart state object using the useCart hook. If the cart is not set, a button is shown. When the button is clicked, the createCart mutation is executed, which interacts with the backend and creates a new cart.

After the cart is created, the cart state variable is set and its ID is shown instead of the button.

The example above does not store in the browser the ID of the cart created, so the cart’s data will be gone on release. You would have to do that using the browser’s Local Storage.


Unlike the CartProvider, SessionProvider never interacts with the Medusa backend. It can be used to implement the user experience related to managing a cart’s items. Its state variables are JavaScript objects living in the browser, but are in no way communicated with the backend.

You can use the SessionProvider as a lightweight client-side cart functionality. It’s not stored in any database or on the Medusa backend.

To use SessionProvider, you first have to insert it somewhere in your component tree below the MedusaProvider.

For example:

import { SessionProvider, MedusaProvider } from "medusa-react"
import Storefront from "./Storefront"
import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query"
import React from "react"

const queryClient = new QueryClient()

const App = () => {
return (
queryClientProviderProps={{ client: queryClient }}
<Storefront />

export default App

Then, in any of the child components, you can use the useSessionHook hook exposed by medusa-react to get access to client-side cart item functionalities.

For example:

const Products = () => {
const { addItem } = useSessionCart()
// ...

function addToCart(variant: ProductVariant) {
variant: variant,
quantity: 1,